Now that Fall is here, a lot of homeowners start prepping for their winter lawn. Whether you want green grass year round or you simply want to make sure your yard doesn’t get damaged by the upcoming winter months, these tips will help you prepare for the cold season to preserve your lawn.
Before the first freeze, be sure to fertilize your lawn. This gives it nutrients that it won’t otherwise naturally be obtained during the wintry months. Fertilizing in the Fall allows all of those nutrients to sink into the roots during the winter. And, quick tip, if your grass tends to turn brown during this time of year, it’s might be because you have warm-season grass. Ryegrass is great for the winter, and it’s best to plant this when temperatures are between 50 and 60 degrees.
Clear Out Weeds
Clear out any weeds before the winter sets in. We like to use pro-emergent herbicides which is used to prevent existing weeds from growing, and post-emergent herbicides which treats weeks that are already growing in undesired locations.
Fall is the perfect time to rake any leaves before the winter. It’s a great idea to pick up your lawn before winter sets in so that there are less threats during the colder months. But be careful when raking so that you don’t pull out any healthy grass when the soil is damp.
You’ll also want to mow your lawn regularly. This prepares your lawn for a healthier winter, especially when you cut it shorter. It also aids against dead spots and possible snow mold. Mowing (another bonus) prevents weeds from actively growing!
Homeowners tend to worry about their shrubs getting frostbite during the winter, or really drying up. So during the Fall, make sure they’re watered very well so that the moisture sinks into the roots during the winter.
And when the soil isn’t frozen, continue to water during the sunnier through throughout cold months. You can also continue to water during this time as well.
Now, to prevent against windburn and frostbite, you’ll want to cover your shrubs. We love using burlap. This is a great fabric to prevent again the harsh winter sun as well. Other materials like plastic should be avoided since this can actually cause the plants to irregularly heat up, even in the winter.
Have More Questions About A Winter Lawn?
To find out more about how you can prepare your lawn for the winter, we’d love to help. Give us a call at 602-404-0568 to ask us about other strategies you can use in the Fall.