There should be some strategy involved when planning the landscape of your home or business office, especially when you live in an environment like Phoenix Arizona. To begin with, you’ll want to choose vegetation that is beautiful when in bloom and inviting to neighbors, clients and customers or even passers-by.
Depending on your lifestyle and how busy you are, you’ll most likely want to choose plants, trees and other vegetation that is low maintenance. There are many choices of plants that will add beauty to your home or office that do not require hours of pruning and tending in order to look their best.
Thirdly, in the dry desert climate we live in, it’s important to choose plants that use less water. Not only will this help to ensure your plant thrives and looks great, but it will also cut down on the cost of watering your landscape.
Knowing which plants to choose that look good and require minimal water and maintenance can sometimes be tricky. ABC Scapes has been installing and maintaining landscapes for businesses across the Phoenix area for over 20 years and are familiar with the types of plants that provide the best return on investment.
Though not all landscapes may incorporate trees into their design, trees are still very popular and many people prefer to have at least a couple of trees if possible. Trees have long lifespans, making them a more permanent structure of any landscape. They offer shade and are often used to create structure and order to a landscape design. Here are some suggestions of trees that require little water, but are still colorful and aesthetically pleasing:
- Acacia Aneura
- Vitex
- Cascalote
- Ironwood
- Palo Verde
- Blue Palo Verde
- Chitean Mesquite
- Desert Willow
Another basic foundation of any landscape design, shrubs help to diversify any landscape. They add color and beauty and can be very simple to maintain. Some of the shrubs that use very little water include the following:
- Orange Bells
- Ruellia Peninsularis
- Salvia Greggii
- Hop Bush
- Pink Fairy Duster
- Texas Sage
- Mexican Bird of Paradise
Drive down any street in the Phoenix, Arizona area and you are sure to see both homes and businesses that incorporate cacti into their landscape design. Cacti definitely help to define the character and look of the region we live in. These plants are often taken for granted here in the Southwest because of their abundance. To add desert beauty to your landscape, consider one of these:
- Golden Barrel
- Englemann’s Hedgehog
- Compass Barrel
- Senita
- Blue Myrtle Cactus
- Beavertail Prickly Pear
If you are in the process of designing or redesigning the landscape of your home or office, give ABC Scapes a call for a free consultation. Let us put our years of experience to work for you and provide a landscape design that will serve you well for many years to come.