You’ve probably heard the news: bee’s are dying at an alarming rate. This is a scary statistic, as bee’s are some of the most important creature to our planet, and that’s not an overstatement! Greenpeace says bees pollinate 70 of the top 100 human food crops – making it extremely important that we do all that we can to save them – and it starts with lessening your use of pesticides.
The Problem
There are two reasons why overzealous users of pesticides should lessen their heavy pesticide-spraying hand – to protect pollinators, and to protect their own garden.
If you tend to your gardens veggies everyday, it can be extremely aggravating to see little pests taking bites out of all that you’ve worked so hard to grow. However, some of these pests need to stay to ensure that you get a good crop.
The Solution
By over spraying your garden with pesticides, you’ve probably scared off your pollinators. As we all know, you need these pollinators to ensure the growth of your garden. By limiting the amount you spray and when you do so, both the bees and your garden will live happy and healthily. Try to spray your pesticides at night when the bees have already returned to their hive, and try to avoid spraying the blooms directly.
Have pollinator or pesticide questions? Give us a call at (602) 404-0568.