If you were one of the hundreds of dedicated HOA members who joined us Friday at the 2015 FirstService Residential Conference and Vendor Expo, you more than likely came away with lots of helpful tips on everything from roofing to safety to maintenance.
If you stopped by the ABC Scapes booth you may have also gotten some pointers on caring for your lawn by overseeding, one of fall’s biggest lawncare challenges. But seeding isn’t all there is to lawn maintenance, and with the changing seasons come lots of lawn care questions.
So we’ve created a way to answer your lawn care questions to the best of our expert knowledge.
Enter the raffle below by telling us your landscaping woes. One lucky winner will win a flatscreen TV!
The rules are simple:
- Comment at the bottom of this post telling us about your biggest lawncare struggle right now. Are you having trouble keeping your lawn green? Has your pond turned out to be more work than your bargained for? Are you working with an unreliable landscaping company? Tell us about it below, and we’ll answer the best ones in future blog posts.
- Choose any additional entry methods you would like. only the blog comment is mandatory, but the more you participate, the better your chances of winning!
- You have until 11:59 p.m. on October 30 to enter.
- We will randomly select a winner, and annouce on our blog and our Facebook and Twitter pages November 1. We will contact the winners via the email address you provide upon entry. If you do not claim your prize within 24 hours, we will randomly select another winner.
Enter the raffle below for a chance to win. Best of luck to all!
For more lawn care tips and answers to common lawn care questions, check out our posts on watering, hiring a landscaper, and more.