No one likes a brown lawn, and most people work tirelessly year round to keep their grass a vibrant green. The tricky thing with grass in Phoenix, however, is that to stay green year round, it needs to be able to withstand chilly nights and blisteringly hot days. A grass that does this is almost impossible to find.
Enter overseeding, the practice of seeding over the top of your existing lawn to fill in bare spots and patches and to reinforce grasses that have begun to die. If your lawn has begun to lose its luster, this simple trick could save it.
When Should I Begin Overseeding?
Like any other plant, grass has both a growing season and a dormant season. Many homeowners and property managers choose to overseed in both the spring and fall. This allows them to grow a cool-weather grass during the winter months, but supplement it with a warm-weather grass once summer comes.
Here in Phoenix, warm-weather grasses like bermudagrass and centipedegrass tend to start going dormant around October or November. When you notice your grass begin to brown even with consistent waterings, it’s time to overseed with a cool-weather grass like fescue or ryegrass.
How Should I Perform Overseeding?
Start by choosing the type of grass you would like to grow. If you’re seeding in October or November you’ll need to pick a cool-weather grass like ryegrass, while April or May seedings require a warm-weather grass like bermudagrass. Most grass seed is available at your local home improvement store.
Grass seed isn’t the kind you plant, cover, and water. Grass seed is sown onto the surface of the ground, where it will take root and sprout fairly quickly. It’s best to seed on wet soil after a rain or a very good watering, as this will encourage germination. Avoid watering for a day or two after seeding so that you don’t wash away the freshly sown seeds.
Mow your grass shorter than you normally would and remove the clippings (either collect them in a mower bag or rake them up once you’re done). The fewer obstacles that are in the way, the more easily your seed will reach the ground.
The best way to seed is by using a push seeder. The large hopper holds plenty of seed for your lawn, and the mechanism beneath can be adjusted for different seed types to ensure only the correct amount of seed comes out.
When your new grass has reached mowing height, feel free to mow as usual. Enjoy your new winter lawn!
For more tips on overseeding or to consult with one of our expert landscapers about what is best for your lawn, give ABC Scapes call at 602-404-0568.