Weeds bring with them a host of questions. What’s the best way to kill them? Where are they coming from? How can I stop them from growing in the future? And the most important question of all: How often should I treat for weeds?
At ABC Scapes, we know how important that question can be. Laying down too much weed killer could end up being a serious lawn killer. There is a time and place for everything- Killing weeds is no different. If you’re wondering how often you should treat weeds, ABC Scapes has got the answers.
When You Should Spray Your Weeds
The best time to treat weeds is when they are actively growing. This means you should start spraying and treating in the spring, usually sometime in April. You’ll have to maintain your weed-killing regiment into late September/early October.
It’s best not to jump the gun when using weed killers. There’s a lot of weeds in early spring that won’t surface until later on in the year. Most weed killers are contact sprays: The treatment will only be effective if they make direct contact with the weeds. You’re better off waiting until May: By that time most of the weeds will have emerged, making them much easier to dispose of.
Follow The Instructions To Treat Weeds
Not all weed treatments are created equal. Make sure that you thoroughly read and understand the instructions that your weed killer comes with. Some chemicals could prove to be hazardous to your lawn or your pets. Some killers can be used multiple times on the same patch of land with no negative side-effects, while others are strictly one-use only.
Results May Vary
How effective your treatment is depends on the kind of weeds you’re dealing with. Young weeds that are just sprouting are particularly vulnerable to weed killers. Mature weeds can be much harder to deal with, as can perennial weeds who have stronger root systems. There are also stubborn species of weeds that typically have waxy or hairy coverings- These can be very hard to kill. Some stubborn weeds can actually absorb herbicides and survive them!
Preparation Is Key
Take care not to mow the lawn before or after it’s treated for weeds. Take water into consideration: Do you use sprinklers? How often do you water your lawn? Is there imminent rainfall? Plan to treat for weeds when your lawn isn’t very wet: The water can wash off the weed killer and could end up dispersing it to other parts of your lawn that could be damaged by it. Don’t water after weed treatment for about two days, and take care to stay off your lawn the day after it’s been sprayed.
Have more questions about treating weeds or need help with weed control service? Give ABC Scapes a call at 602-404-0568.