It seems like online, the new design craze focuses around these little spiked plants called succulents. More and more often now, you see people incorporating these plants into both the gardening aspects of the interior and exterior decor of your home. But what are these little plants, and even more so, why are they so great for the AZ landscape?
Succulents Are Tough
In Arizona, we all know how hot it can be outside. With the scorching desert heat, it can be easy for plants to perish due to bad conditions. However, succulents are tough little plants. While they do require watering, these plants can grow and survive with receiving water once a week. This makes these plants perfect for those of us with low maintenance lawns.
The Variety
Ranging in all shapes and sizes, these plants can also be fuzzy, round, spikey, or even multicolored. No matter where you are looking to incorporate a succulent, there is without a doubt a version that would look great in your yard!
Thrive In The Sunlight
With proper hydration and care, succulents are known to thrive in the sun – a factor we all need to consider when thinking about our landscaping here in the desert. In fact, succulents, like cacti, are fans of the bright sunlight, making them great additions to your outdoor aesthetic!
Whether you are interested in incorporating these plants into your yard, or you are looking for other assistance with your gardening needs, give our professionals a call at (602) 404-0568 – We’d be more than happy to help!