When it comes to choosing the best materials for landscaping, many homeowners don’t know where to start. It’s no wonder. With all the many different options out there, knowing which materials best fit your home and lawn can be pretty daunting. So if you’re having a hard time deciding what to use in your landscaping, don’t worry. We’ll cover you here.
Healthy Soil
Healthy plants need healthy soil. When building your landscape, consider the kind of soil that naturally occurs in your area and then supplement accordingly. Usually, this means adding a soil that’s chock-full of organic matter, like natural topsoil or compost. This ensures that your plants will get enough nutrients and also encourages the presence of other helpful (and health) organisms, like earthworms.
Gravel or Stone
Gravel and stone are very popular materials for landscaping. It is a nice alternative to cement for paving paths and walkways, while flagstone is great for lining walkways, stacking into retaining walls, or using as stepping stones throughout a shade garden. Small river rock can be a nice ground cover, and even boulders have their place in some landscapes as statement pieces.
Ground Cover or Weed Cloth
Most landscapes require frequent maintenance to cut down on pesky weeds that pop up seemingly overnight. But you can cut down on how many weeds invade your landscape by prepping the ground with a layer of weed-blocking landscaping fabric. This material is designed especially to let water and roots through while smothering little plants that try to push their way up from underneath.
Support Pieces
Raised beds are a common feature of many landscapes. But getting this terraced effect means building in some support, and having an attractive landscape means using the right materials for that support system. Flagstone or other flat stone stacks nicely into a raised bed, as do railroad ties and old wooden beams. Even commercially produced paver stones can be arranged nicely to support your landscape and give a decorative touch.
Statement Plants
Every landscape needs a focal point. Choose a plant that is striking enough to draw the eye, yet still coordinates nicely with its surroundings. This could be anything from a vibrant blue hydrangea bush to a beautiful old shade tree to a sprawling prickly pear cactus, depending on your landscaping tastes.
Want more insight on the best materials for landscaping? Our team at ABC Scapes would love to help design your perfect outdoor area. Give us a call at 602-404-0568 today.