It may seem odd for grass to thrive in our dry, hot desert landscape. The truth is that there are all kinds of hardy grasses bred to survive in our arid climate, and each of those varieties could help your home look more vibrant and colorful.
At ABC Scapes, we are well-versed in the art of lawn care. We’ve dealt with all kinds of grass varieties and types over the years. If you’re an Arizona homeowner who’s thinking about trading up those desert rocks outside your windows for a field of green, consider getting one of these five types of grasses.
Celebration Bermudagrass
This is a very soft and very fine blue-green grass that thrives in our hot climate. It’s a versatile grass, suitable for front yards, business parks and golf courses. It can be cut with both rotary and reel lawnmowers and is fairly low maintenance. It’s also very resilient, so if you have pets or kids who love to play outdoors you’ll need a grass like Celebration Bermudagrass that can stand up to the wear and tear they’ll dish out.
A very popular grass choice for Phoenician homes! Midiron is prized for its durability. A medium leaf grass with dark color, it’s able to thrive beneath harsh sunlight. It can recover quickly from damage, in particular from any damage caused by pet urine. It can resist browning and regain its green color faster than most other varieties of grass.
Palmetto St. Augustine
A lush green grass, Palmetto excels in both sunny and shaded areas. Compared to most other grasses, Palmetto performs exceptionally well in shaded areas. Most grasses suffer if they’re left in the shade for too long, but Palmetto just needs four hours of direct sunlight a day to stay healthy and strong. It maintains its green color long into the fall, and usually won’t go dormant unless it’s hit with several heavy frosts. One drawback to Palmetto, however, is that it doesn’t do well with overseeding.
Tifway 419
Developed to be used as a grass for golf courses, Tifway 419 is the turf of choice for most professional sports fields and golf courses. It’s benefits include a fine texture, strong drought resistance and maximum durability. It’s been bred to endure our tough summer climates, so it works great as a year-round grass. It does require a lot more maintenance than other grasses: You’ll have to mow it several days a week to keep at it’s ideal ¾ inch height.
Tifgreen 328
Like it’s cousin Tifway 419, Tifgreen 328 was originally made to be a sporting grass. It’s a beautiful dark green grass. It’s a bit more versatile than the Tifway and is suitable for all sorts of different landscapes, including sports fields, public parks and homes. It has a wide range of mowing heights and produces few seed heads, so it won’t have to be mowed as frequently as other kinds of grass.
Need help figuring out which type of grass is best for your backyard? Call the experts at ABC Scapes at 602-404-0568.