ABC Scapes Inc

5 Best Stones For Landscaping

Best Stones Landscaping Grass

Stones are an increasingly popular choice of landscaping material. Not only do they add an element of visual appeal, but they’re an environmentally conscious and incredibly low-maintenance. If you’re considering adding rock to your landscaping, read on, because we’ve put together a list of the best stones for landscaping.

Decomposed Granite

A popular choice for walkways, decomposed granite is a classy alternative to gravel. It’s granite that has weathered or been broken into small pieces that range anywhere from gravel to sand in size. Granite is available in a variety of colors and shades of blacks, grays, tans, and red. It’s also one of the most affordable paving options, and is a great choice if you’re looking to add stone on a budget.


Flagstone is one of the most widely recognized choices for pavers and stepping stones. These wide, flat slabs of rock come in a rage of colors of tans, browns, grays, and even greens. Use them to create a path (filled in by decomposed granite), or craft an earthy patio from them.

River Rock

These smooth, round stones add a peaceful feel to any space. River rock comes in a range of sizes, from an egg to a loaf of bread or larger. Smaller river rock makes a great substitute for mulch in a landscape of desert plants, while larger stones are an attractive choice to line planting beds, fill in a valley, or create a rock garden or climbing plants. They most frequently come in soft grays and tans.

Lava Rock

Lava rock is one of the most versatile rocks in a landscape. Smaller lava stones serve a purpose similar to decomposed granite as a gravel paver or a space filler between larger paving stones. Larger lava rocks create an interesting focal point in your landscape and are a great support for climbing ground covers like ice plant.


Boulders come in a variety of materials, from lava rock, to granite, to sandstone, and more. If you’re looking to add a statement piece to your garden landscape, then boulders are a godsend. Choose a size that fits your space — anything from something the size of a small child to a rock that’s several feet tall can make a statement and serve as a great focal point.

Looking to add stone and rock to your landscape? ABC Scapes can help you navigate the myriad varieties to choose from and determine what’s best for your landscape. Give us a call at 602-404-0568 today.

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